Archive for the ‘Scripts’ Category

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Network Merchants API Script

Have just completed a Network Merchants API class. This class utilizes the Network Merchants credit card and electronic check processing API. It also includes the customer vault API which allows merchants to securely store their customer’s credit card and bank account information in Network Merchant’s secure customer vault.

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PHP Magic __get, __set Methods, and Retaining Private and Protected Properties

I have been making an integration with a complex API with hundreds of potential user provided variables, necessitating me use of PHP’s Magic __get and __set methods.

Unfortunately, by using these methods, PHP’s restriction on private and protected properties is bypassed, making all properties public. This is completely unacceptable from my coding perspective.

This class model overrides the magic __get and __set’s ability to alter and access private and protected properties. Public properties are unaffected. This script also allows the class to set and access private and protected properties.

class setter_getter_respect 
    private $current_page;
    private $private_properties = array();
    public function __construct()
        $class = new ReflectionClass(__CLASS__);
        $this->current_page = $class->getFileName();
        $class_properties = get_class_vars(__CLASS__);
        foreach($class_properties as $class_property_name => $property_value)
            $prop = new ReflectionProperty(__CLASS__, $class_property_name);
            if($prop->isPrivate() || $prop->isProtected())
                $this->private_properties[$prop->getName()] = ($prop->isPrivate()) ? 'private' : 'protected';
    public function __set($var, $val)
        $requesting_page = debug_backtrace();
        if(($requesting_page[0]['file'] != $this->current_page) && (array_key_exists($var,$this->private_properties)))
        	trigger_error("Cannot access ".$this->private_properties[$var]." property ".__CLASS__."::".$var." in ".$requesting_page[0]['file']."on line ". $requesting_page[0]['line'],E_USER_ERROR);
        $this->$var = $val;
    public function __get($var)
        $requesting_page = debug_backtrace();
            if(($requesting_page[0]['file'] != $this->current_page) && (array_key_exists($var,$this->private_properties)))
				trigger_error("Cannot access ".$this->private_properties[$var]." property ".__CLASS__."::".$var." in ".$requesting_page[0]['file']."on line ". $requesting_page[0]['line'],E_USER_ERROR);
            return $this->$var;
        } else {
            throw new Exception("Required property [" . $var . "] has not been set!");

Extended classes will not have access to __get or __set protected properties. I will alter this snippet when I find a suitable method of handling extended classes.

I’m hoping that php alters the way it handles private and protected properties through the magic methods but until then, this is a way to semi-preserve private and protected properties.


Multi process / thread PHP execution

UPDATE– I’ve created the official PHP Multi-process script page. Further updates, the usage manual, and other information about PHP Multi-process will be found here.

I’ve run into the problem of needing to use multiple processes with a php script on multiple occasions. Most notably, I have some very complex data processing scripts that take several minutes to complete. If I can break these up into several parts and run them all at the same time, the execution time can be greatly reduced.


There are several methods of running additional processes with php. pcntl_fork is a great way to do it, but it requires php to be running as a cgi module rather than through apache as most web hosts do.

This is a script of how to fork multiple processes on a server running PHP through apache. These process will all run concurrently, and the parent will wait to exit until all of the child processes have completed.

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**UPDATED** Adding Google Business search to your ecommerce website

This is an updated version of the script. It now resides on only a single page and should be less confusing to put into a website. Please feel free to use this script as a base and customize as you like.

Sign up for a business site search account here:

The internet is abuzz with news of Google’s new business custom search engine. Google is allowing business sites to have their own custom search engine for $100 per year (<5,000 pages) or $500 per year (up to 50,000) pages. This includes some cool reporting and an XML API so that you can customize to your heart’s content.

Google Custom Search

After messing around with Google’s javascript code I decided to write my own little script to better integrate it into my website. The javascript code was giving me some major problems with the width of my pages, so I canned it and went to their XML version of the search function.

The following is a very simple php & html script that you can use for your own Google business search engine. It was made for a php5 server as it uses the built-in simpleXML class. Upload this to your website, enter your account id, and make a form to post to it. That’s it!

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